
Mar 19 2021


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

3DMC – Grader & Dozer (1 Day) – Fort Worth, TX

This class is intended as an Explanatory class that will look at the technologies involved in Machine Control and how they work together as a system. We will cover theory, application, and troubleshooting in an attempt to maximize your uptime on site. This class will be instructor-led in a classroom environment. By the end of this course, students will learn, basics of 3DMC, theory of 3DMC function, introduction to 3DMC design files, Machine Builder, introduction to 3DMC blade control, creating a planar surface, creating a surface from points and lines, elevation set point/ vertical offset, Topo/ Auto Topo, GPS info screen, and troubleshooting.

Class Instructor:

Chris Johnston

Office:  817-335-3131

Mobile: 469-662-0594

Seating is Limited, Register Your Spot Today!



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